The everchanging surveillance industry

Let’s get this straight, when you possess something, you are bound to keep an eye on it. Sometimes track, monitor, and overall, keep a check with prying eyes. The era of human resources such as...

The role of computer vision-based tracking in industrial vehicle management

In the 21st century, amidst the fast-paced competition, every organization strives to achieve a drastic progression in its sales force productivity, by adopting new methodologies and trends. When...

Vision-based surveillance – Top technological trends

Rampant competition, ever-evolving technology, and growing consumer needs drive every industry to the next level where it can upgrade and mold itself to be a better establishment. It was in the last...

Computer vision and its impact on ROI

If you own a business or been a part of one, you know it very well that in a competitive world, every organization strives to attain a substantial progression in its return on investment by...

How Computer Vision is Playing a Vital Role in Real Estate

Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered computer vision technology can improve real estate search results. Instead of writing detailed image descriptions or tags, the computer can accurately capture...

Introduction to Ultra-Wideband

Ultra-wideband is a radio technology that can provide high-bandwidth communications over short distances. It covers a huge area of the radio spectrum. Its traditional use is for non- cooperative radar...